About ProTELEC Security + Safety
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Who is ProTELEC?
ProTELEC is a family-owned company that has been protecting life and property for over 50 years. We are one of Canada’s largest independent security and safety companies. ProTELEC is an industry leader in emergency and lone worker monitoring, keeping workers safe while helping employers remain compliant with regulatory requirements.
ProTELEC CheckMate is currently protecting thousands of employees who are working alone throughout many industries. We developed our lone worker safety monitoring service and app to integrate seamlessly with our Emergency Monitoring Centre (EMC). Along with providing safety checks and journey management services, ProTELEC Alarms specializes in commercial property security, with monitoring services for cameras, environmental sensors, after hours call services and more. Visit the ProTELEC website to learn more about our full-suite of safety and security services.
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What makes us different?
ProTELEC is more than an alarm company. We deliver preventative, proactive security services tailored to the needs of our clients. Our emphasis on personnel safety has made ProTELEC CheckMate Working Alone the lone worker safety system of choice for organizations across North America.
Our Emergency Monitoring Centre is annually inspected to ensure it meets the demanding requirements for:
- Architectural security features
- Physical structure security features
- Emergency power
- Computer hardware & software
- High standards of operator training
- Operators provide live response 24/7
Our Monitoring Centre was the first in Canada to be certified ‘Five Diamond’ by the Monitoring Association, an organization whose mandate is to maintain the highest standards of excellence in the North American Alarm industry.
Our team of monitoring specialists undergo rigorous training and education to qualify for work in ProTELEC’s Emergency Monitoring Centre (EMC), and are dedicated to ensuring that your workers are safe at all times, in all environments.
The CheckMate suite of products was developed to compliment the services provided by our Emergency Monitoring Centre. Combining powerful safety check tools and emergency alert systems with trained live operators offers greater lone worker protection.
In 2019 alone, CheckMate made over 2 million automated safety checks through our Safe Alone app, texts, and/or automated phone calls, while our operators provided thousands of lone workers with live safety checks and emergency support.

What is CheckMate?
CheckMate is a suite of employee security and lone worker safety solutions by ProTELEC Alarms.
Our CheckMate lone worker monitoring service is comprised of the Working Alone monitoring system, and our Safe Alone check-in app. Our security systems are designed to give both employees and employers peace of mind when working alone. These robust and intuitive lone worker safety check tools are backed by professionally trained operators who adhere to strict emergency response protocols.
CheckMate Working Alone meets all Federal and Provincial lone worker safety legislation requirements. We provide administrators with direct access to scheduling and reporting tools through our secure online Administrative Dashboard.
CheckMate Work Safe personnel security and safety solutions include our eAlert digital emergency buttons, elevated body temperature sensor, and our SOS fall detection device.

In 2003, given the developments and enhancements of lone worker regulations for employers, ProTELEC Alarms responded by introducing a new and innovative service called CheckMate Working Alone.
CheckMate Working Alone offers employers both a service and an operational system that allows for compliance with provincial working alone regulations across Canada.
Today, CheckMate is a full suite of personal protection and lone worker solutions, which now include journey management tools, the powerful Safe Alone app, and discrete panic-button software.

Why choose CheckMate to protect your employees?
In order to protect your staff wherever they work, CheckMate offers optimal safety solutions that streamline the safety and security process. CheckMate Working Alone is an intuitive and complimentary addition to your lone worker health and safety policies and procedures. CheckMate Work Safe provides high-tech solutions to personnel safety concerns.
We provide in-depth training and ongoing support, with access to our customer care team available around the clock. There are no administration fees or extra charges for support services.
With our suite of safety services, there is no software or hardware to buy. Whether your run a small business with 10 employees or a large corporation, CheckMate offers monitoring solutions tailored to fit your needs.

Why You and Your Business Need Protection
While provincial legislation varies, every province requires employers to ensure the safety of their employees according to the law. All of CheckMate’s products and services comply with or exceed current provincial working alone legislation, ensuring that your employees are securely monitored, and your company will not face unlawful actions. CheckMate monitors employee safety through an automated and proactive system, allowing lone workers to focus on their jobs, checking in and receiving safety checks wherever they are, even if they do not have cell coverage and can only access a landline.