CheckMate Partners
CheckMate Partners
At CheckMate, we value all our partner organizations that work alongside us to make everyone safer.

AASP – Alberta Association for Safety Partnerships
Alberta Association for Safety Partnerships (AASP) is an Alberta Government approved Health and Safety Association, and a service focused Certifying Partner and a registered non-profit organization under the Society Act of Alberta providing a practical and reasonable approach to health and safety in the workplace.
AASP as a Health and Safety Association promotes workplace safety through education and other initiatives.
AASP as an accredited Certifying Partner is responsible for assessing the quality of health and safety management systems through an approved audit process in conjunction with Alberta Labour and Immigration, Partnerships In Injury Reduction program.
See how they can assist you by clicking here.

CM&E – Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters
Since 1871, Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters has been helping manufacturers grow at home and compete around the world. Our focus is to ensure manufacturers are recognized as engines for growth in the economy, with Canada acknowledged as both a global leader and innovator in advanced manufacturing, and a global leader in exporting. CME is a member-driven association that directly represents more than 2,500 leading companies who account for an estimated 82 percent of manufacturing output and 90 percent of Canada’s exports.
See how they can assist you by clicking here.

Made Safe – Manufacturing Safety for Manitoba
A CME Manitoba initiative, Made Safe is the industry-based safety program (IBSP) for manufacturing in Manitoba. Made Safe delivers professional safety services as the go-to resource for the manufacturing industry, enabling safe, productive, cost-effective work environments. In partnership with SAFE Work Manitoba, Made Safe makes it easier for employers and workers to ensure workplaces are safe and productive. Need advice? Learn how Made Safe can help.
See how they can assist you by clicking here.

S2SA – Safety Association for the Sales and Service Industries in Manitoba
S2SA is the safety association for the Sales and Service industries in Manitoba. We provide industry-specific training, consulting services and SAFE Work Certification to businesses in the sales and service sectors. We aim to help our members simplify the process of implementing a safety program, enhancing employee and customer safety.
See how they can assist you by clicking here.