Safe Alone app v2.3 Feature Updates

Jan 27, 2021


Safe Alone app v2.3 Feature Updates ...

Safe Alone App Updates

We are pleased to announce improved features and location tracking updates in our recently released CheckMate Safe Alone v2.3 app. With this update we have included several new tools to make safety check-ins even easier for employees working alone, and the app now supports iOS ‘dark mode’.

Location updates and settings have been optimized

To improve the user experience and provide Working Alone program administrators with the most up-to-date location information, additional location features and settings have been added. In the case of an emergency, locating a lone worker quickly and accurately is important, and these tools will help to improve monitoring and response capabilities.

  • The Safe Alone app now automatically sends a user’s location within 10 minutes of a safety check. This feature enables administrators to determine a more recent last-known-location for employees even if they miss a safety check-in.
  • The Location Update setting has been modified to maximize safety and minimize battery use.
  • The Safe Walk mode has been improved with a confirmation feature, to reduce false alarms.
  • Administrators and end-users are notified by email if default location check-in features are turned off.

Simplifying the safety check process is the primary goal of our Safe Alone app

We know that a busy employee needs to stay focused on their work, and safety check-ins are most effective for end-users and administrators if they are an easy and quick task to complete.

  • Users with the latest version of the app who are configured for SMS safety checks will now see a link in their SMS safety check prompts.
    This link opens the app and makes checking-in easier by eliminating the need to locate the app on their phone manually.
  • To help reduce false alarms, we now offer the option to have an automated alarm report email send to account administrators.
  • We have improved some of the buttons and icons within the app, to make the tools and options more recognizable. As always, a user can Activate or Deactivate their check-ins with just a tap, and check-in frequencies can be adjusted by tapping on the contact frequency or ‘pencil’ icon. Users who do not have permission to change their check-in frequency will see a ‘pulse’ icon and should contact their administrators for schedule adjustments.
  • A link to the Safe Alone User Guide has been added to the Safe Alone app Help menu ( providing quick access to additional information about the Safe Alone app settings and features.

These improvements along with additional design and back-end updates are available in the newest version of the Safe Alone app.

If you would like to schedule a Safe Alone app training session or have any questions, please contact your CheckMate account representative or use our contact form and we will be happy to assist.